525 Palisades Road SW, Mount Vernon, Iowa  52314   319-895-8845  alumni@mvcsd.org

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Mount Vernon --The Mount Vernon Community School District Alumni Association is pleased to announce the following alums were selected as 2020 Alumni Hall of Fame winners:

Achievement - Peter Kollman 1962 (d)

Fine Arts -  Braden Pospisil Rood 1993

Athletic - Steve Andrew 1968 (d)

Service - Scot Christiansen 1978

Community Impact -Sonia Essex Redmond 1982

They were recognized in publications and online during 2020, but received their awards during Homecoming weekend 2021, October 8. There was no virtual or in-person events during 2020 due to Covid-19 safety concerns. 

CLICK HERE to see recipient bios.

Did you miss the 2020-2021 MV Alumni Hall of Fame ceremony -- see it online 

video 1     https://youtu.be/TL9GFIVa_5I

video 2     https://youtu.be/jMKwy5JzdbA

Mount Vernon Community School District ALUMNI ASSOCIATION

alumni@mvcsd.org   319-895-8845  525 Palisades Rd SW, Mount Vernon, IA 52314 
ALUMNI ASSOCIATION  www.MVAlumni.org           MVSCHOOLS www.mvcsd.org

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