525 Palisades Road SW, Mount Vernon, Iowa  52314   319-895-8845  alumni@mvcsd.org

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The Mount Vernon Community School District Alumni Association is pleased to announce the following alums have been selected as 2018 Alumni Hall of Fame winners:

Fine Arts - Dewane Hughes ‘88

Athletic - Carol Woods-Boren ‘75

Service - Matthew Borg ‘90

Community Impact - Mike Smith ‘68

Achievement - Michael Bowers ‘87

They received their awards on Homecoming weekend, September 28, 2018

CLICK HERE to see recipient bios.

Hall of Fame Events took place on Friday, September 28. The public was invited to attend the Alumni Association Awards Ceremony at 9:00 am in the Mount Vernon High School Gym. Following the ceremony, a Reception was held in the High School Library. The public was also invited to attend the afternoon Homecoming Pep Rally. 

Friday evening, September 28 was the President’s Hall of Fame Reception, the Homecoming Game and presentation of Alumni Award Winners during halftime at the Football Field, and the All-Alumni-Community Reception ‘Tailgating Under The Tent’ at the top of the bleachers. The Mustangs won over Tipton. The Alumni-Community Reception tent was open from approximately 6 pm until after the game. 

In addition, student events included the Thursday evening Parade and Crowning of the Homecoming Queen and King and the Powderpuff Game, and their Saturday Homecoming Dance.


Mount Vernon Community School District ALUMNI ASSOCIATION

alumni@mvcsd.org   319-895-8845  525 Palisades Rd SW, Mount Vernon, IA 52314 
ALUMNI ASSOCIATION  www.MVAlumni.org           MVSCHOOLS www.mvcsd.org

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