Miss one? Call 319-895-8845
Reunions being held in 2014 (watch for updates to come)
2009 - 5 years - Heritage Days
Contact: Emily Ryan Stamp
Email: estamp@mountvernon.k12.ia.us
Contact: Alex Brannaman
Contact: Kristin Kimm
Phone: 319-895-8216
Email: kkimm@htlenexa.org
2004 - 10 years
Contact: Laura Damon Moore
Email: laura.damonmoore@gmail.com
1999 - 15 years
Contact: Betsy McWilliams Brown
Phone: 515-201-3823
Email: mrs.betsybrown@gmail.com
Contact: Michael-Mike Ireland
Phone: 319-533-4086
Email: irelandmc@gmail.com
Contact: Kira Johanson
Phone: 516-425-7483
Email: kirajo04@yahoo.com
Contact: Jennifer Kleinsmith O’Donnell
Phone: 319-360-1052
1994 - 20 years - Heritage Days Weekend
Contact: Andrew Morf
Phone: 319-247-9625
Email: aandrmorf@gmail.com
Contact: Ebe Boetcher
Phone: 319-363-2077
Email: ebe4zippy@msn.com
1989 - 25 years - Heritage Days Weekend
Contact: Kelli Curtis Chapman
Phone: 319-895-8568
Email: kellicurtis@msn.com
Contact: Jenifer Carmer Back
Phone:319-455-2389 319-310-6365
Email: jencarmer@gmail.com
1984 - 30 years
Mike Martin and Pat Melchert
Contact: Dan Drahos
Phone: 563-263-4695
Email: laptopdoc@machlink.com
Contact: Wendy Ballstaedt Wright
Phone: 801-553-7266
Email: wkbwright@hotmail.com
1979 - 35 years REUNION IN 2015
Contact: Jody Murphy Stewart
Phone: 319-895-8282
Email: stewjs3@aol.com
1974 - 40 years
Contact: Cindy Feaker Johnson
Phone: 319-455-2821
Email: cjohnson@hacap.org
Contact: Deb Vargason Lord
Phone: 319-265-2469
Contact: lisbonlordtaz@aol.com
Contact: Guy Bys
1969 - 45 years - Heritage Days
Contact: Allan Viktor
Email: allanpaul02@yahoo.com
Contact: Cathy Humphries Stoner
Phone: 319-895-6346
Email: stonerkvmce@aol.com
Contact: Darlene Hartl Allard
Phone: 319-895-8910
Email: ddallard4life@gmail.com
1964 - 50 years - Heritage Days
Contact: Joann Kroul Clark
Phone: 895-8069
Email: jo.clark158@gmail.com
Contact: Mary Bauman Kolbe
Phone: 602-840-9630
Email: marykolbe@aol.com
Contact: Jean Kuntz Bowman
Phone: 563-659-5315
Email: rabowman@iowatelecom.net
Contact: Tex Clay
Email: texclay@iowatelecom.net
Phone: 319-455-2752.
1959 - 55 years - Heritage Days Weekend
Contact: Richard Glattly
Phone: 218-372-3973
Email: rglattly@frontiernet.net
1954 - 60 years
Contact: Norma Reyhons Abbott
Phone: 319-338-5364
Email: komatga@mchsi.com
1949 - 65years - Reunion in 2015
Contact: Jack Stanton
Phone: 928-759-0885
Email: jestanton@cableone.net
Contact: Bev Nation Behrens
Phone 319-895-8239
Email: behr49@hotmail.com
Contact: Stanley Grant
Phone: 509-276-4758
Email: scgrant@aol.com
Contact: Robert Gaston
Phone: 805-984-8825
1944 - 70 years - Heritage Days Breakfast July 12
Contact: John Wolfe
Phone: 319-895-8125
Contact: Mary Brawner Viter
Phone: 319-895-8906
Email: ViterMaryv@aol.com
Contact: Paul Brace
Phone: 563-391-0057
If you are from a class earlier than 1940, we will have tables at the Breakfast marked so that you can visit together with classes from the 1940s and 1930s.