525 Palisades Road SW, Mount Vernon, Iowa 52314 319-895-8845 alumni@mvcsd.org
Join us during Heritage Days 2023 to relive the “glory days”
of our ‘88 State Duals Team Championship and ‘89 Runner -up. Let’s get together for a few beers, reminisce and tell tall tales that seem to get taller by the year!
Friday Night - July 7
6 to 8 pm - Team dinner with spouses, at Jeremy Elliott’s home
Dinner and refreshments provided
1505 Palisades Rd SW in Mount Vernon
9 pm - Yock’s Landing to enjoy Travis Allen
and his band ‘ Vinny and the Night Prowlers’
102 1st St SE in Mount Vernon
Saturday - July 8
8-10 am - Alumni-Community Breakfast at the High School
10:30 - line up for parade (get on float at 10 am in front of school)
2 -5 pm MVHS wrestling bags tournament and auction
on Main Street Mount Vernon
Hosts: Jeremy Elliott ’89 and Todd Neal ‘89
Jeremy Email: 319-651-9161
Todd Email: 563-568-1070
alumni@mvcsd.org 319-895-8845 525 Palisades Rd SW, Mount Vernon, IA 52314 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION www.MVAlumni.org MVSCHOOLS www.mvcsd.org
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