525 Palisades Road SW, Mount Vernon, Iowa 52314 319-895-8845 alumni@mvcsd.org
All Award Events take place on Friday, September 30. The public is invited to attend the Alumni Association Awards Ceremony at 9:00 am in the High School Gym at 525 Palisades Road SW in Mount Vernon.
Following the ceremony, a Reception will be held in the High School Library from approximately 9:45 to 10:30 am. The public is also invited to attend the Homecoming Pep Rally in the High School Gym at approximately 2:35 pm.
Friday evening, September 30 is the Homecoming Game and presentation of Alumni Award Winners during halftime at the Football Field, and the All-Alumni-Community Reception ‘Tailgating Under The Tent’ at the top of the bleachers. The Varsity game will start at approximately 7:15 pm. and the Mustangs will play Anamosa. The Alumni-Community Reception tent will be open from approximately 6 pm until after the game.
Friday evening, September 30 beginning at 9 pm, come listen and dance to ‘The Stompers’ in the First Street Community Center. The Stompers band are Iowa’s Rock and Roll Music Hall of Fame recipients and the 2016 Alumni Association’s Community Impact Hall of Fame winners. Playing 60s music that all ages will enjoy! After the football game, open to all, no charge.
In addition, student events include the Thursday evening Parade and Crowning of the Homecoming Queen and King and the Powderpuff Game, and their Saturday Homecoming Dance.
Homecoming for 2016 will be 9/30/16 vs Anamosa
Homecoming for 2017 will be 9/22/17 vs Northeast Goose Lake
alumni@mvcsd.org 319-895-8845 525 Palisades Rd SW, Mount Vernon, IA 52314 ALUMNI ASSOCIATION www.MVAlumni.org MVSCHOOLS www.mvcsd.org
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